Stakeholders and those charged with governance are now more than ever placing huge reliance on a robust and risk focused audit. Their organisations are contending with a dynamic, uncertain and complex world where the pace of change continues to accelerate.

In these circumstances, audit can no longer be a purely confirmatory process to verify the current state of affairs. It must add value by delivering key insights which can be used to take the business forward.

Why Grant Thornton?

Grant Thornton has brought new thinking and innovation to the process by combining cutting edge technologies with our team of more than 400 highly trained audit professionals. We leverage the unique human capabilities of our audit team with the power of technologies such as artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics to deliver a best in class audit experience.

As a result, Grant Thornton is an audit service provider of choice to listed and multinational companies.

Our Audit & Accounting Solutions

Accountancy Services

The Accountancy function is critical to any modern business. Our team of qualified accounting professionals at Grant Thornton Gibraltar can draw on their depth of experience and knowledge to ensure your accounts are expertly prepared to meet with all local and international standards.

Audit & Assurance

Grant Thornton is bringing a fresh approach to the audit process in Gibraltar by combining leading-edge technologies with a highly qualified team of audit professionals, all of whom are experts in key sectors of Gibraltar’s economy, and particularly in dealing with regulated entities.